
Abek.jpg (258184 bytes)

Bob's Starport repair at your service.

Name:  Abek Wesrin
Height:  5'10"
Weight:  145lbs.
Age:  27
Hair: Sandy brown
Eyes: Brown
Species: Human

Vital Statistics:

Dexterity 3D   Perception 3D+1
Blaster 4D Bargain 4D
Dodge 5D Con 7D
Brawling Parry Hide
Grenade Persuasion
Sneak 5D
Knowledge 3D+1   Strength 3D
Alien Species Brawling
Cultures Climbing/Jumping
Languages 4D+1 Stamina
Planetary Systems 4D+1 Swimming
Streetwise 6D
Mechanical 2D+2   Technical 2D+2
Astrogation Computer Prog/Rep 6D+2
Repulsorlift Ops Droid Programming
Space Transports First Aid
Starship Gunnery Security 9D+2
Starship Shields
Beast Riding
Ground Vehicle Ops

Force Sensitive: No
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 
Character Points: 12

Physical Description:

Abek is a fairly non-descript human, average height, sandy brown hair and brown eyes. Before he met up with the infamous Thunder Team, he was just an intergalactic hitchhiker, travelling between worlds and following the band Bpfiish (A staggeringly popular art-rock band from the planet Bpfaash). He used to wear tie-dyes and sandals, but more recently he's traded up his wardrobe to more "respectable" levels, cut his hair and trimmed his once scraggly beard.

Typical Outfit: 

Regardless of his newfound wealth and life direction, his roots of tramping still serve him well. He never goes anywhere without his temperature controlled bodysuit and bubblecloak, and usually carries at the very least a satchel filled with emergency survival supplies (First Aid kit, signal pack, rations, energy packs, heating elements, etc.) Currently masquerading as the owner of "Bob's Starport Repair", he usually wears grey or blue utility coveralls, a tool belt, safety goggles and a hard hat, and carries a clipboard with a staggering array of falsified permits and documents. More recently he has taken possession of a remarkable droid, QT-7, which is a compact computer slicer droid  concealed in a brushed metal briefcase. QT-7, while still a little new and untested, is Abek's reason for his carreer change. He has gone from a moderately successful drug and holovid smuggler to a full fledged burglar and entry-man. Abek has managed to make hundreds of thousands of credits based on the work he and QT-7 have accomplished, and he is well on his way to being the wealthiest member of Thunder Team currently, if he has not already done so.


Abek was born on a colonization ship heading out to the outer rim. Due to an accident with the main hyperdrive, the massive colony ship was only puttering along through hyperspace at a x24 level (excruciatingly slow by current galactic standards). The captain managed to bring the ship in for repairs at a major spacedock in the outer reaches of the mid rim, and Abek jumped ship (Life was very dull for him, and he figured he'd make his own way in the galaxy instead). Early on in his days of freedom he snuck into a concert on Wegranish IV, and was then exposed to the art-rock sensation Bpfiish. Alternately working his way or stowing away aboard a multitude of ships, Abek followed the band across the galaxy, trading skills or contraband for show tickets and passage. Due to a bad rumor, Abek eventually debarked on Bespin, where he was led to believe Bpfiish would be playing a major show. Weeks went by before Abek realized he's been duped, and was looking for a way outsystem when he ran into a couple of disreputable looking characters at the local bar. Managing to convince them he was an able space hand was no trouble, and he figured they would be good for a lift to the next major spaceport. These characters turned out to be a couple members of Thunder Team, a rebellion special ops group. Of course, he was immediately drawn into the web of intrigue and devastation that continually follows Thunder Team, and by the time they got around to a major spaceport, Abek knew he'd found a new way to live his life. Money, power, riches, spice, and all manner of illegal but lucrative opportunities awaited him around every turn. Since then, he's made several cover identities, formed a couple strong businesses, and generally ammassed a whole truckload of credits. Abek is having too much fun to retire, even though every once in a while he and the group run up against things that are WAY out of their league. He's managed to survive thus far, and will keep adventuring until his luck runs out...

Feelings regarding the Empire: 

Abek doesn't particularly care for the Empire, if only due to thier draconian approach to music and art censorship.

Feelings regarding the Rebellion:

He managed to wheedle QT-7 from the rebellion, so, while he doesn't feel they are individually all that bright, figures he at least owes them a service or two. If he can make a profit while doing so, so much the better!

Current Profession: 

Owner, Bob's Starport Repair (cover and front for his income).

Desired Profession: 

None, once he makes a good chunk of money, he'll probably end up following Bpfiish again. If he makes enough money, he may just BUY the contolling rights to Bpfiish. Who knows?