System | Description | Wookiepedia Link | World Type | Physical Information | Societal Information | Major Exports | Major Imports |
A-Foroon | A-Foroon was a planet in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim. Located in the Spice Triangle, A-Foroon was remade into the throne world of the Jahibakti Hutts in the last century of the Republic. The planet was run by gangs of Yahk-Tosh in the name of the kajidic. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/A-Foroon | Throneworld (Jahibakti Hutt Clan) |
Luxuries | |
Andooweel | Discovered
during the Great Manifest Period, Andooweel was an impoverished world with
small pockets of industrial and agricultural districts, both of which were
unsuccessful. At some point, several mining operations were begun; though
nothing of value was ever uncovered. Citizens of Andooweel were among recruits to the Imperial Army during the Galactic Civil War. Some had chosen to join the Imperial Army instead of going to jail for petty theft and illegal speeder racing and were to be trained on the planet Sirpar at Training Camp IMIIF-138. A group of Rebel agents successfully infiltrated the base posing as recruits hailing from Andooweel to retrieve starship parts from Nonessential Equipment Storage and Disposal Facility 456 on the planet. Circa 15 ABY, former Director of Imperial Intelligence and Prophet of the Dark Side Cronal established himself as a warlord on Andooweel. Obsessed with creating art, he hoped to use advanced cybernetics to overthrow both the Imperial Remnant and New Republic, creating an "Empire of art." He was eventually killed by Luke Skywalker. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Andooweel/Legends | Backwater |
Natural resources | |
Arkanis | Arkanis
was a rainy planet in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim Territories, and
the throneworld of Leeya, the Empress of the Regency Worlds. The Galactic
Empire's officers academy was located there. It was also the homeworld of
Armitage Hux, one of the key leading figures in the First Order. The planet had at least one ocean and large cliffs on the coastline. The aquatic regions on Arkanis supported the planet's fishing industry. The Scaparus Port was a hub for fisherfolk and had shops with supplies that were catered for their business. Downpours happened on Arkanis at least 2-3 days a week, with the standard otherwise being a near-continuous drizzle. The appearance of sunshine was considered a rare event. During the Imperial Era, the Venator-class Star Destroyer Vensenor was operating in the planet's orbit as the Vensenor Flight Academy, which produced Imperial Navy officers and pilots, including a number of decorated soldiers. Arkanis was also host to Project Harvester, an Imperial project regarding Force-sensitives. Zare Leonis's sister, Dhara, was sent here after she was identified as one by the Grand Inquisitor. Following the Galactic Empire's losses at the Battle of Endor, Arkanis remained under the Empire's control for a time, but the system was targeted by the New Republic, freed from the Empire's influence and claimed for the New Republic's side. Arkanis eventually became a wealthy planet of the New Republic, aligned with the Centrists, and represented in the Galactic Senate by Senator Carise Sindian. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Arkanis | Sector Capital |
Foodstuffs | |
Austan | The Austan Asteroid Cluster was an asteroid belt located in the Arkanis sector. It was the site of mining operations and resorts. During the Clone Wars, it was the site of a skirmish between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Austan_Asteroid_Cluster | Asteroid Belt (Mining/Resort) |
Class: Asteroid field |
B-Foroon | B-Foroon
was a mucky world that was located within the Arkanis sector of the
galaxy's Outer Rim Territories region. The planet lay on the hyperlane
called the Triellus Trade Route, and during the last century of the
Galactic Republic's existence, B-Foroon was remade into a throneworld of
the Hutt species, coming under the control of the Hutt Faljozic clan and
their Toydarian retainers. Description B-Foroon was a mucky planet that was located within the B-Foroon system of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories region. A part of the Arkanis sector—located in turn within the regions known as the Slice and the Spice Triangle—B-Foroon lay on the hyperlane called the Triellus Trade Route that connected it to the planets of A-Foroon and C-Foroon. Together, the star systems of those three planets were known as the Foroon Worlds. Members of the sentient Hutt and Toydarian species were present on B-Foroon. History During the last century of the Galactic Republic's existence, B-Foroon was remade into a throneworld of the Faljozic kajidic—a clan of the Hutt species—and came under the control of the Faljozic Hutts and their Toydarian servants. During the time period between 19 and 17 BBY, B-Foroon's galactic neighborhood was annexed by the Galactic Empire. The local population average of the region of space containing B-Foroon was less than one million around the year 25 ABY. By 137 ABY, the area of space containing B-Foroon fell within the borders of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/B-Foroon | Throneworld (Faljozic Hutt Clan) |
Cadezia | Cadezia was an Outer Rim planet in the same system as Trulalis and Issor. It was a prosperous technology and business world. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cadezia | High Tech World |
Technology | |
C-Foroon | C-Foroon
was a planet in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim. History C-Foroon was remade into the throneworld of the Besadii kajidic in the last century of the Old Republic. Subsequently, this planet was the center of a thriving spice smuggling business during the years surrounding the Invasion of Naboo. At one point, the planet was also owned by Gardulla the Hutt (and harbored for a time her daughter Decca's center of operations), but was taken eventually by Jabba the Hutt during the Imperial Period. The Desilijic takeover ruined Besadii fortunes in the Arkanis sector. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/C-Foroon | Throneworld (Besadii/Desilijic Hutt Clans) |
Spice | |
Cirus | Cirus
II was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories that was a mining world for
syntonium. Lex was a mine operator there. The cargo hauler pilot Tem Chesko had visited Cirus II for his syntonium haul. He was later stranded in space after an asteroid collided with his ship, destroying his hyperdrive and comlink. He calculated 10 parsecs to the nearest planet, which would be 32.6 light-years, and he would not arrive at anything in under sixty years. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cirus_II | Mining World |
Immigrated species: |
Syntonium | |
Cranan | Cranan 12, or simply Cranan, was a planet in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim. Cranan 12 was a thriving planet, rich in ores and minerals. It was the only world controlled and exploited by the Mining Guild in the Arkanis sector. Most shipments from Cranan were sent to Excarga, by the Cranan-Excarga Route, a situation the sector authorities on Arkanis have tried to reverse through a combination of inducements and threats. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cranan_12 | Mining World |
Class: Terestrial |
Affiliation: Mining Guild |
D'Anjon Nebula | The
D'Anjon Nebula was an expansive nebula located within the northernmost
part of the Arkanis sector, a part of the galactic regions known as the
Outer Rim Territories and the Slice. To the galactic south of the nebula
was the starless void known as the Gulf of Tatooine. The D'Anjon Nebula formed as a result of an ancient supernova, and posed a navigational hazard, with the young stars inside the nebula being unexplored and barely surveyed as a result. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/D%27Anjon_Nebula | Navigation Hazard |
Distinctions: |
Gedi | Gedi 4 was a gas giant planet in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim. Gedi 4's collection of moons was rich in various minerals, originally mined by a front company owned by the Besadii Hutts. The Empire took over operations shortly after the rise of the New Order. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gedi_4 | Mining World |
Class: Gas giant |
Affiliation: |
Minerals | |
Geonosis | Geonosis, referred to as Geonosia by some natives, and known as Genosha, was the desert home planet of the Geonosians. It was the Confederacy of Independent Systems' first capital and hosted its major battle droid foundries. It was the site of the First Battle of Geonosis, the opening conflict of the Clone Wars, as well as the subsequent invasion by the Galactic Republic. During and after the war, the Death Star was constructed above the planet. Five years after the conflict's conclusion and transformation of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire would garrison the planet heavily and attempt to mine the planet's asteroids for minerals. At least five years after the Clone Wars, the Empire moved the Death Star to another construction site and the planet was sterilized by the Empire as a security measure, an act which resulted in the virtual elimination of the planet's native population. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Geonosis | High Tech World |
Atmosphere: Breathable |
Native species: |
droids[18] Technology |
materials |
Gorno | Gorno was a planet in the Outer Rim, along the Corellian Run near Tatooine. The Galactic Empire had a secret research facility used to design the Superlaser for the second Death Star, codenamed Hammertong. A spaceport there was used as an embarkation point from which the Hammertong was to depart, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gorno | High Tech World |
Class: Terrestrial |
Affiliation: Galactic Empire |
Gulf of Tatooine | The Gulf of Tatooine was a location in the galaxy situated near the planet Pii and associated with Tatooine. Fourteen years before the Battle of Yavin, an Imperial convoy was attacked near this region by Berch Teller's rebel cell. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gulf_of_Tatooine | Navigation Hazard |
Heffrin | Heffrin was a planet located in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim. This mountainous world was a small mining colony maintained by the Galactic Empire. The planet held important ruins from a vanished civilization, including the Heffrin Aqueducts, which spanned Heffrin's continents; research during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire identified the Aqueducts' builders as early Ithorian explorers. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Heffrin | Mining World |
Class: Terrestrial |
Affiliation: Galactic Empire |
Huldamun | Huldamun was an industrialized planet in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim. It was one of the Regency Worlds. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Huldamun | High Tech World |
Class: Terrestrial |
Mining Gear | |
Issor | Issor was the most powerful planet in the Trulalis system, and the homeworld of the Issori and Odenji. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Issor | High Tech World |
Primary terrain: Oceans |
Native species: |
Kemal Station | Kemal was a gas giant planet in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was a site for Tibanna gas mining, and was orbited by Kemal Station. Kemal Station was a damp, foggy moon of Kemal in the Arkanis sector. It was a trading post used by both smugglers and legitimate business. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kemal | Mining World |
Class: Gas giant |
Tibanna Gas | |
Khubeaie | Khubeaie
was an industrial world that was located within the Arkanis sector of the
galaxy's Outer Rim Territories region. The planet lay on the hyperlanes
called the Old Corellian Run and the Vaschean Way, and it was better known
as a stopover for spice smugglers. Members of such species as Humans,
Hutts, Rodians and Twi'leks could all be encountered on Khubeaie. Description Khubeaie was a misty, nondescript industrial planet that was located within the Khubeaie system of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories region. A part of the Arkanis sector—located in turn within the regions known as the Slice and the Spice Triangle—Khubeaie lay on the hyperlane called the Old Corellian Run that connected it to the planets of Vor Deo and Shimia. A smaller hyperspace route known as the Vaschean Way linked Khubeaie to the world of Heffrin. Compared to the planet's industrial profile, Khubeaie was more widely known as a stopover for spice smugglers that traveled down the Old Corellian Run from the world of Ryloth to the planet of Tatooine. On Khubeaie, it was possible to encounter individuals of such sentient species as Humans, Hutts, Rodians and Twi'leks. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Khubeaie | High Tech World |
Climate: Misty |
Immigrated species: |
Melnea's World | Melnea's World was a murky, swampy planet in the Arkanis sector with poor mines. It was settled by miners from Tatooine after local mining operations failed and the arrival of the Hutts, subsequent to which the world was transformed into a smugglers' hideout. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Melnea%27s_World | Mining World / Smuggler Hideout |
Primary terrain: Swamps |
Affiliation: Hutts |
Mika | Mika, also known as Jellyfish Cove, was an Imperial penal planetoid covered with oceans and barren deserts littered with humanoid statues which came to life at sunset. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mika_(asteroid) | Penal World |
Primary terrain: Barren deserts |
Native species: |
Najiba (Faj) | Najiba
was the Najib homeworld. It was a remote world covered with wetlands and
its surface was lashed with atmospheric electrical discharges and frequent
rainstorms. History Najiba was a backwater world with a considerable degree of criminal activity. It was located a mere one-hour's hyperspace travel from the Issor system. During one half of its elliptical orbit, Najiba passed near a hazardous asteroid belt known as the "Children of Najiba," at which time all travel to and from the planet was restricted. The Byzal canyon was a canyon located on Najiba that was very popular with swoop racers. Prior to the Battle of Endor, the Dark Jedi Adalric Cessius Brandl hired the smuggler Thaddeus Ross to take him from Najiba to Trulalis, Brandl's former home. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Najiba | Backwater / Smuggler Hideout |
Class: Terrestrial |
Native species: |
Foodstuffs Low technology Minerals |
technology Agricultural innovations |
New Ator | New Ator was an agricultural planet in the Arkanis sector. It was founded in 80 BBY by Atorese colonists. It was located on the Triellus Trade Route. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/New_Ator | Agri-world (Farms) |
Foodstuffs | |
Obana | The Obana Belt was a field of asteroids in the Arkanis sector near Tatooine. It was the site of small amounts of mining and pirate activity. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Obana_Belt | Mining World / Smuggler Hideout |
Class: Asteroid field |
Ooo-temiuk | Ooo-temiuk was a forested planet located in a star system on the Triellus Trade Route between C-Foroon and Tatooine in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim Territories region of the galaxy. It was colonized around 75 BBY by Rodian migrants fleeing their troubled homeworld. Greel Wood Logging Corporation later established a harvesting facility on the planet. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ooo-temiuk | Agri-world (Forestry) |
Primary terrain: Forests |
Immigrated species: |
Wood | |
Pii | Pii was a planet in the Pii system, located near the Gulf of Tatooine. It was the location of the Galactic Empire's Imperial marshaling station Pii. Fourteen years before the Battle of Yavin, an Imperial convoy planned to travel there from Desolation Station, via a moon coreward of the Gulf of Tatooine, and then jump to Sentinel Base and Geonosis. These plans were interrupted, however, when the convoy was attacked by a rebel cell run by former Republic Intelligence Captain Berch Teller. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Pii | Backwater |
Points of interest: |
Affiliation: |
Piroket | Piroket was a trading planet, located within the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim, controlled by a Bothan shipping company. It had a large population of Hutts and Bothans, which led to many schemes and intrigues. The rebel Riij Winward deposited a stolen droid which contained technical readouts for the Hammertong on the planet. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Piroket | Trade World |
Immigrated species: |
Sirpar | Sirpar,
a large planet with little natural resources, was an Imperial high-gravity
training center and the Eklaad homeworld. It was near Tatooine. It was the
primary Imperial training facility in its sector. Stories about Sirpar—usually
not good ones—were known throughout the Empire, even by soldiers that
were trained elsewhere. It was known for its extremely high gravity
compared to that of other human-inhabited planets in the Empire, as well
as a dazzlingly intense sun that was so bright that non-natives needed to
wear polarized goggles in order to be able to bear it. Generations of
humans living on Sirpar had become adapted to the planet, broad in size
and possessed of thick layers of muscle. Many of these had become
instructors to Imperial cadets. The planet was used as a training forge
for cadets of the Arkanis Academy. During the three-day tour, the cadets
were granted provisional ranks as they participated in live exercises
commanding stormtroopers that had been rotated off active duty. History The Empire had built several training facilities all over the planet. There were eight basic training camps on the planet, four advanced training centers, and several special environmental training camps, including the Arctic Environments Combat Range near the planet's north pole and the Deep Ocean Operations Camp in the tropical seas. In addition there were five surplus equipment depositories of which one was the Nonessential Equipment Storage and Disposal Facility 456, an ordnance proving ground and a planetary bombardment target range. The planet was scarcely defended, given that the only things on the surface were the primitive native Eklaad and hordes of Imperial trainees. The Empire built a starport, Jacelle on an island on the equator of the planet. Jacelle was a pleasant place, but Imperial recruits would only spend about half an hour there, before being transported off to their respective training camps. Inhabitants The native Eklaad were a primitive and peaceful sentient species, who had been on the brink of extinction ever since the arrival of the Empire. Most of them lived as either scavengers or nomads. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sirpar/Legends | Backwater |
Class: Terrestrial |
Native species: |
Foodstuffs Military supplies |
Tarnoonga | Tarnoonga
was an ocean-covered planet located in the Arkanis sector. History The seas of Tarnoonga were the homes of giant sea monsters such as the Miridon, who made its nest in the ruins of sunken freighter ships settled atop the undersea mountain ranges. The peaks of many of these mountains stretched upward, breaking the ocean's surface, forming immense natural caverns and grottos. Some years prior to the Battle of Yavin, the pirate known as Gir Kybo Ren-Cha established a hideaway base inside the depths of one of these tall mountain peaks. His crew horded the purloined treasures from nearby worlds such as Tammuz-an and hid them within private caches inside the mountain tops. Kybo kidnapped Jann Tosh and Jessica Meade, heroes affiliated with Tammuz-an, and brought them to his grotto on Tarnoonga. With the help of the droid team of C-3PO and R2-D2, however, Tosh and Meade were able to escape. In 4 ABY it was a place of confrontation between Luke Skywalker and S'ybll. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tarnoonga | Ocean World / Smuggler Hideout |
Primary terrain: Ocean environment |
Immigrated species: |
Tatooine | Tatooine
was a sparsely inhabited circumbinary desert planet located in the
galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. It was the homeworld of Anakin and Luke
Skywalker, who would go on to shape galactic history. Part of a binary
star system, the planet was oppressed by scorching suns, resulting in the
world lacking the necessary surface water to sustain large populations. As
a result, many residents of the planet instead drew water from the
atmosphere via moisture farms. The planet also had no natural surface
vegetation. Initially inhabited by native Jawa and Tusken Raider species, it saw a population explosion following the search for valuable mining deposits on the planet's silicate surface. Finding the ore to have unwanted metallurgic properties, mining firms left the planet en masse, leaving behind valuable equipment, most notably large sandcrawlers, which were later used by the Jawa population. The Hutt Clan also maintained a presence on Tatooine, with Jabba the Hutt owning a palace in the desert at least by the time of the Clone Wars until his death shortly before the Battle of Endor. Generally ignored by the galaxy at large, Tatooine gained the notice of the Empire during the Galactic Civil War when an escape pod carrying two droids in possession of top-secret information launched from the starship Tantive IV and landed on the sandy Outer Rim world. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tatooine | Backwater / Smuggler Hideout |
Class: Terrestrial |
oil[32] Silicax oxalate[32] Slaves[32] |
Consumables Technology Water |
Trualis | Trulalis
was a planet in the Trulalis system, and it was colonized some time around
500 BBY. The planet was known for its theater. The populace was eliminated
by the Galactic Empire. It was the homeworld of Adalric Cessius Brandl and
his son, Jaalib Brandl. Adalric trained Jaalib as an actor on the
depopulated world, and also trained Fable Astin in the Jedi arts,
intending to turn her to the dark side of the Force and give her to
Emperor Palpatine on Byss. Adalric tricked Astin into murdering Vialco,
his nemesis, but Jaalib helped Astin escape Trulalis. As punishment,
Adalric gave Jaalib to the Emperor instead. Ironically, Jaalib was made
the new apprentice of Antinnis Tremayne. It was also home to a widely regarded university that drew students from surrounding sectors. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Trulalis | Knowledge Center |
Class: Terrestrial |
Immigrated species: |
Entertainers Mid technology |
Utaruun | Utaruun was a planet located in the Utaruun system of the Arkanis sector. It was abandoned when the Corellian Run changed locations, though later on Rodian colonists began to move here. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Utaruun | Backwater |
Class: Terrestrial |
Immigrated species: |
Foodstuffs | |
Vactooine | Vactooine
was a mining colony in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim Territories.
Its dense jungles made it a suitable habitat for the Elix. History During the Cold War, a scientist had lost an incredibly valuable anode no bigger than a grain of sand somewhere in Vactooine's desert. In 2560 BBY, records showed that the Sith invaded the colony, but were driven out by the natives there. Some said that it was destroyed by the Sith, since the whole colony disappeared somehow. It was also said that it was destroyed in 6 ABY, but this had never been confirmed. The planet was also the location of the Battle of Vactooine. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Vactooine | Mining World |
Primary terrain: Dense jungles |
Native species: |
Metals Minerals |
Vasch | Vasch was a planet located within the Vasch system of the Outer Rim Territories. An agriworld of lush green, rolling hills, it was the source of Vaschean rye, and was possibly the homeworld of Sam Heggs. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Vasch | Agri-world (Farms) |
rye Foodstuffs |
Vor Deo | Vor Deo was a planet located in the Vor Deo system of the Arkanis sector. It was a trade world and received much smuggler traffic. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Vor_Deo | Trade World |
Class: Terrestrial |
Vuzsa | Vuzsa was a planet located within the Vuzsa system of the Outer Rim Territories. It was located near the Gulf of Tatooine and was used as a refueling point for ships crossing the Arkanis sector. | https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Vuzsa | Mining World |
Fuel | |
Rodia | Rodia
was a hot, humid world which was covered in dense tropical jungles as well
as sprawling cities, swamps and industrial areas. A large area of the
planet was also covered in oceans and there appeared to be two polar
regions on the extreme latitudes. A known body of water on the planet was
the Wesessa Sea where the An'yettu Islands were located. The Rodians built their cities on waterways and protected them with environmental shields, bubble domes that surrounded all habitation structures and allowed entry and exit for vehicles and vessels. These domes also protected from the extreme temperatures of the planet. Two major cities on the planet were Equator City and Iskaayuma which were the planetary capitals at different periods in Rodia's history. Equator City was the traditional capital until Navik usurped control over the planet and moved the capital to his clan's settlement at Iskaayuma. It had two known continents: Encheeko and Betu. Rodia's jungles used to host a variety of fauna and flora which were wiped out or made endangered over the millennia as the Rodians improved their technology and increased their population. The Rodian Karstag, newoongall and the ghest were native Rodian predators. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Rodia/Legends | Trade World |
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable) |
Native species: |
hunters Weapons technology Exotic animals |
Foodstuffs Luxury goods |
Goroth | Located
in the Trans-Nebular Zone of the Trans-Nebular sector, Goroth was far away
from regular, short or safe hyperspace routes, a fact which left the
planet hidden from the rest of the galaxy for a long time. Around 17 BBY, the Moff of the Trans-Nebular sector had declared himself warlord, but was quickly subdued by a Star Destroyer task force. The new Moff, Nebin Cray, found a mention of Goroth and its rich metal resources in some documents and sent out the Nastion to investigate. The Imperial Navy rediscovered the planet and was surprised to find a functioning civilization. Also, it discovered the now unusual high concentration of hyperbarides in Goroth's crust. The Empire recognized the value of Goroth and was faced with the same choice as the warring factions millennia ago: It had not enough forces to occupy the planet, but could not go the planet unused, either. Nebin Cray made the move to invite the galaxy's mega-corporations and auction off mining rights. The corporations that acquired mining rights included Tagge Company, Karflo Corporation, Trigdale Metallurgy, Vaufthau Processing Industries and several smaller companies. Under Imperial Governor Marsh Limoth, they began mining the hyperbarides. Since repulsorlifts and droids did not function on Goroth due to the high radiation levels, the corporations lobbied and got permission to use the natives Gorothites as "client workers"—meaning slaves. The P'Dar'Ken remained intact, but became a puppet government under the governor and the corporations. In opposition to the enslavement, several resistance groups arose on Goroth, the moderate Gor'Jen'Ar, the militaristic T'B'Dellyi'Mai, the religious K'Len J'Bar Kasoon and the Imperial-controlled Night Wind. The Rebel Alliance long ignored Goroth and started an information-gathering mission around 0 BBY under Lieutenant Jered Pole, who posed as a gambler. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance saved Night Wind from destruction by Limoth in Operation: Starbird. The Empire classified Goroth as a strategically important planet and thus kept a large garrison to protect the world: Two Imperial-class Star Destroyers were in orbit above the planet. The Valor under Admiral Val DeGoort in equatorial orbit was permanently assigned to Goroth. The second Star Destroyer slot was rotated every two months to another ship and maintained a polar orbit. General Anderton Kloff commanded the ground forces, and several of the Valor's TIE/LN starfighters were assigned to him. Additionally, the Goroth Planetary Police maintained public security. |
https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Goroth_Prime | Mining World |
Class: Arid volcanic wasteland |
Native species: |
metals Hyperbarides |
technology Foodstuffs |